Anyone who drives a commercial truck must follow state and federal guidelines regarding the number of hours spent on the road. These guidelines are in place to keep other drivers safe. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Hours of Service regulations...
Motor Vehicle Accidents
How to protect yourself on a long road trip
The more time you spend on the road, the more likely it is that you'll run into trouble. So, as you plan a long road trip, it's critical that you have a clear understanding of the steps you can take to protect yourself.Here are three things you can do:Prepare your...
How to safely operate your car in a parking lot
You spend so much time thinking about your safety when driving on crowded roads that you often overlook the potential dangers lurking in parking lots. A parking lot accident can be every bit as dangerous as one that occurs on the road. For that reason, you should...
How to contend with a reckless trucker on the interstate
When driving on the interstate, you should expect to see one truck after the next. While it's quite common to share the road with these vehicles, trouble can develop if they are driving recklessly manner.There are many steps you can take to contend with a reckless...
Do you understand the dangers of distracted driving?
If you don't understand the severity and risks associated with distracted driving, there's a good chance you'll make a mistake. And if that happens, it could result in a serious accident that results in injury or death.According to the National Highway Traffic Safety...
What to do if you suspect a concussion in a car accident
You can suffer many types of injuries in a car accident, and those to the head are among the most common.According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), medical providers often describe a concussion as a "mild" brain injury. However, this...
Steps you can take to deal with an aggressive driver
Aggressive drivers are everywhere. Even if you do your best to avoid them, there's no way of being certain that you'll do so.If you encounter an aggressive driver, it's important to take a few steps to avoid trouble. Here's what you should do: Don't get too close: The...
Why motor vehicle accidents happen
We all know there is no way to completely eliminate vehicle accidents. Even when everyone is driving safely, there's always a risk of an accident that involves one or more vehicles.However, there are a variety of circumstances that increase the risk of a crash,...
Determining fault in the wake of a multi-car crash
Georgia residents who were involved in an accident involving three or more vehicles probably know how hard it can be to establish everyone's degree of fault. Those who have not been involved in one would do well to know the basics of how fault is established. It all...
Red-light cameras: benefits and controversies
Georgia residents should remember that red-light running is to blame for hundreds of deaths every year. Most people understand that this practice is wrong. While 92.9% of respondents to a survey from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety agreed that it was, however,...