In a large metropolis like Atlanta, large trucks are a necessity to transfer goods and materials to stores, warehouses and factories. If you drive on the big expressways, you will see these behemoths everywhere. Because tractor trailer trucks are so much larger than regular cars and trucks, they have different needs and requirements, such as longer stopping times and more room on each side so that other vehicles do not get caught in their blind spots. Unfortunately, occasions will arise where the truck drivers make a mistake and an accident happens, which can result in serious harm to other motorists. If a car driver isn’t outright killed in an accident involving a tractor trailer , they can be injured catastrophically, often causing life-altering physical damage.
Trucking companies must take responsibility for their drivers’ negligence. It’s sad but true; many truckers are on the road with very little sleep and can often be distracted. Employers of truck drivers are required to limit the number of hours their drivers work each day, but some of them do not follow this important rule and run their drivers to the breaking point. With much greater impact than a run-of-the-mill motor vehicle crash, an accident involving an 18-wheeler can crush a small car or total a medium-sized SUV easily. Escaping without injury from these types of wrecks is nearly impossible. When a truck accident happens, Taylor & Tucker, LLCare on your side to get you the benefits you deserve.
Our practiced and expert attorneys have the knowledge and experience necessary to go head-to-head with the trucking companies and collect the damages you require to get your life back. Medical expenses, physical therapy, employment loss, pain and suffering, auto repair or a new car altogether are the kinds of benefits our attorneys can collect for you on your behalf. Call Taylor & Tucker, LLCtoday if you have been involved in a truck accident in Atlanta.